Senafor Told About Impacts from China

China and its impacts on the local economy was the subjects more commented during the opening of 33rd Senafor, event held in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state. Beyond the technical themes (Papers) presented during the lectures - about "Hot/Cold Forging Process", and other subjects such as "Powder Metallurgy and Materials" and "Processes for Renewable Energies" - the future of Brazilian industry production see yourself is faced with a great dilemma.
The Brazilian trade balance with China is favorable in general; however in manufactured products the numbers are not good, because Brazil is mainly one of the most important world exporter of raw-materials (such as soybeans, sugar, coffee, and now petroleum), unlike the Asian giant.
According to Álvaro Toubes Prata, Secretary of National Development and Technological Innovation, the MCTI (Federal Government), currently in each ton sold Brazil receives US$160.00, and pays US$3,000.00 to each ton imported from China.
Everybody says, "The exit against this situation is the improvement in education and infrastructure, and investments on high-technology production".
Ok, but the question is "Will we have the time to do it before a tragedy ends in our industries?"