Ad Duty Against Chinese Wire Rods to Expire by August 2014

According to the newly released official journal of the European Commission on November 1st, the 5-year antidumping duty (7.9%-24.0%) put into force since August 5, 2009 against the wire rods (with the CN codes falling within 7213 10 00, 7213 20 00, 7213 91 10, 7213 91 20, 7213 91 41, 7213 91 49, 7213 91 70, 7213 91 90, 7213 99 10, 7213 99 90, 7227 10 00, 7227 20 00, 7227 90 10, 7227 90 50, and 7227 90 95) imported from China to the EU, based on the complaint lodged on March 25, 2008 by the EUROFER, which is an organization representing almost 1/4 of the total wire rod manufacturers in the EU, will expire on August 6, 2014.
Producers in the EU can still request for a sunset review within 3 months after the publication of this official journal, with the additional submission of relevant data, evidences, or documents to the Directorate-General of the European Commission located in Brussels, Belgium, should they think that the expiry of the antidumping duty against the wire rod imports from China to the EU will continue to result in the material injury to the local wire rod manufacturing industry.