Russia Intends to Launch Protective Duty on Steel Fasteners

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Coordinator of the Association, Rosmetiz, Alexander Semenov said today that Russia has made a decision to levy protective duty on imported steel fasteners from all countries (USD282.4 per ton for 3 years). The case was proposed by the biggest Russian steel fastener producers, Severstal-Metiz and MMK-Metiz on 14 May 2009 and was finished on 14 May 2010. On 24 November 2010, the Commission considered this question again and gave Russian Prime Minister’s recommendation to introduce protective duty on steel fasteners from all countries。At the same day, the First Deputy Prime Minister Victor Zubkov held a meeting on the customs tariff and non-tariff regulations including the protective measures in foreign trade. After the review the Commission has made the decision to introduce protective duty on all imported steel fasteners from all countries for 3 years.