MIN HWEI ENERGY- Shining Star in Green Energy Industry

Never-Depleted EP Resources
Business Extension of SS Fastener Leader Tong Hwei
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For years, the electricity consumed around the world has been mostly generated from coal, petroleum, gas, and uranium. In addition to the possible depletion of resources, the severe pollution and nuclear crisis on the global ecology that may happen during energy conversion have been concerned by every country, resulting in formulation of the energy substitutes policy and subsidies for green energy development.
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Selling stainless steel fasteners to the world, Tong Hwei noticed that more and more stainless steel fasteners had been installed on solar systems. In order to support the government’s policy to develop green industries, Min Hwei Energy was founded in 2010, which is for manufacturing solar cells. With 2 years of preparations for organizing the managing team, construction, and equipment installation, the factory started mass production in Q2 and the annual capacity can reach 60MW (20,000 pieces of solar modules per month). What’s more, Europe and the US launched the antidumping and anti-subsidy investigations against solar products from China and a regulation for the lowest price has come into force since August for products exported to Europe, maintaining the stability of prices of upstream wafer materials. As a result, Taiwan’s solar industry can strive for customers seeking good quality, with a solid competitive base above the cost line.
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Roofs Are Assets, Too. Did You Miss out on Them?
Large Power Stations Can be Set up on Roofs of Houses, Factories, Commercial Buildings
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The solar energy can be converted into electricity through converters. It shows advantages of no depletion, availability in any region, safety, and improving environmental pollution. “Environmental protection is not for sustainability only and can also become your investment. Lots of people don’t know that the roofs are the very place to earn profits,” said President Johnson Tsai of Min Hwei Energy.
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The benefits of solar energy are commonly known to everyone, but how to invest in it leaves many questions. Tsai brought up a few examples, which may be the optimal investments in certain applications.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Roofs of Residence Houses- Thedisposable area of a commonly seen Taiwanese residence house (excluding its water towers and building limit) is roughly 50-67 sq. meters. It will be suitable to install solar panels of 3-6KW. The investment is estimated to be NTD300-500 thousand. If there is a 20-year contract for buying electricity with Taiwan Power Company, it will be very cost-effective. In addition to the regular income, the solar heat absorbed by the roofs can be lowered, which can not only reduce the room temperature, but also save the electricity for air-conditioning.
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<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Roofs of Factories and Commercial Buildings- According to the policy of Taiwan Power Company, if the power is over 500KW, it will be deemedas the size of a power station, which should acquire a license and submit a report of the assessment of influences on the environment before the operation. 500KW is similar to the power generated from a 4,960 sqm of solar panels. Accordingly, it is generally considered that the installation in small-to-medium sized factories under 4,960 sqm (especially 992-4,960 sqm) will be the most economical.
(1) Factory area≒298 sqm -> to install 30KW solar panels
(2) Factory area≦4,960 sqm -> to install 500KW solar panels
The larger area of the roof is, the more flexible the solar panels can be installed. If there is a copious supply of funds, the area able to generate 500KW can be sublet to a solar module manufacturer for NTD160-180 every 3.5057 sqm, or the facilities can be bought directly by the user for NTD18 thousand every 3.5057 sqm. During the 25-year warranty, it is expected that within 7 years the cost invested will return and the feedback resulted from the roofs can be materially felt.
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<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Void Areas- Desolate void areas recently have been getting attention from many people. With solar modules being introduced into agriculture and pasturage, the efficacy of the land can be greatly developed. Some companies produce organic vegetables with high unit prices and sell healthy & organic food to increase their revenues, and now the sales of electricity generated from the roofs can become their extra incomes. On the other hand, many breeding companies noted that the installation of solar modules with the feature of reflecting heat could not only increase revenues, but also reduce the expense on electricity for lowering the temperature in hot summer. Moreover, when the temperature is lowered down to a comfortable level to livestock in pens, they will grow faster. Therefore, the actual area for installation can be discussed with the company, in order to find the most cost-effective project.
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Top-level System Supplier & Stable Electricity Storge
Systems Adopted by Tong Hwei and All Other Affiliated Industries. Onsite Inquiry is Welcome
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A good solar module must have highly effective and stable electricity storage. Every piece of solar module is installed by the professional system supplier to ensure its life. Min Hwei Energy’s target customers are domestic and foreign module assembly plants, local system suppliers, and domestic small-to-medium sized factories. It provides them with solar modules of high quality and consulting service.
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Through the cooperation with solar system installers, it provides solar module installing services on factories and residence houses, including preliminary consulting, field inspection, appraisal & drawing, design & assembly, procedures dealing, and financing. All solar modules used are of high quality provided by Min Hwei Energy and are with over 20 years of warranty. Conjecturing that the weather may become hotter and the electricity cost may become higher, Tong Hwei and its affiliated industries have installed solar modules in their companies. Min Hwei Energy also provides domestic fastener industries with preferential services and welcomes onsite observation and inquiries.
Tel: 05-5519968 ext.1102
Ming Hwei Energy’s website: www.mhe.com.tw
