China Outruns US as the Top Manufacturing Nation with Production Value Higher than US by 1.26 Folds

For the fisrt time in the past century, US lost the crown of top manufacturing nation to China. Ever since the outbreak of global financial crisis, China's industrial production value has almost doubled while the US was left with no evident growth.
The graph demonstrates the comparison of industrial production value (in %) since June 2007. Right now, China's industrial production value is higher than that of the US by 1.26 folds. The figures only refer to the manufacturing industry and has excluded mining, electricity, natural gas, and water supplies industry. In 2007, China was equivalent to 62% of US production value. In 2011, the figure changed to 123%. Besides 2011, the gap between China and the US kept enlarging through 2012 and 2013. US is not the only nation to drop in the ranking. In 2011, China surpassed Germany by 3.46 folds, and jumped over Japan by 2.35 folds.