Japan Tokai University Professor Develops the Brand New Easy-dissembling Screws

Easy-dissembling Screw, Cold-forged Wire Drawing of Magnesium Alloy Wire, and Metal Working of Medical Titanium Screw Mr. KAZUYA YOSHIDA, Engineering Department Professor of Tokai University in Japan, specializes in metal rods and wire drawing research as well as state-of-the-art screw manufacturing technology. He invented the “イーカイト” (a compound word from “Ecology”, “Economy”, “Easy”, and “Tight”) screw that comes with a washer made from “Shape-memorizing Alloy”. When a certain level of heat is applied to the washer, the gap will expand and separate the washer from the screw, making the tightened part dissemble easily. This new invention has been adopted by major engineering companies and reported on news TV and newspapers, becoming a hot topic in the Japanese industry.