BAFD to Arrange a Meeting for Fastener Failure Disuccion

British Association of Fastener Distributors (BAFD) schedules to give a meeting for discussing causes of fastener failure and strengthening the interactions of members on October 17 at the Menzies Welcombe Hotel, Stratford. Topics of this meeting will not only include what caused certain fasteners vulnerable to failure, but also how to prevent the liability claims resulted from the causes. In some previous fastener failure cases, fastener suppliers were the ones who were always deemd to bear the largest responsibility, even though the environmental factors were proved to be the main causes later. Fastener Failure Analyst Bill Eccles from UK will be invited to join the discussion and a senior partner of a UK contact and business law practice will be also invited to share the experience in reducing the possible risks during fastener sales and providing suggestions to the audience.
