U.S. Anti-Circumvention Preliminary Determination to Chinese Uncovered Innerspring Units

On July 11, 2013, U.S Department of Commerce announced that the uncovered innerspring units produced by Malaysian Reztec Industries Sdn Bhd and exported to the U.S. included the parts from China and thus evaded the anti-dumping measure against similar parts made in China. Reztec Industries did not separate the uncovered innerspring units with parts from China from those without parts from China, so U.S. DoC determined to notify the Customs and Border Protection to suspend the tax calculation of those uncovered innerspring units from Malaysian Reztec Industries Sdn Bhd.
This anti-dumping case was initiated on Jan. 23, 2008 by U.S. DoC. Product codes involved included 94042990.10, 73202050.10, 73209050.10, 73262000.70, 94041000.00. On Dec. 29, 2008, U.S. DoC made the final determination and announced 164.75%~234.51% of dumping margin to involved Chinese industries. On May 23, 2012, U.S. DoC launched the anti-circumvention investigation on this case.
