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NEVIB Holds First Meeting

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The Dutch fasteners' import industry met for the first time on 19th March 2013 in Amersfoort, Holland, and the turnout was way above expectations, recently formed association NEVIB tells us.
Founded in December 2012, the trade association NEVIB presented a top-class speaker: Mr Hans Biesheuvel of national SME trade body MKB-Nederland, who briefed members of the new association about the many opportunities that exist for entrepreneurs, even in the current tough business climate.
“The middle and smaller sized enterprises are the job generating engines of The Netherlands", according to Biesheuvel, who is asking for government support to help businesses and get the economy growing again. Biesheuvel also called for more possibilities for company financing: the current reduced lending by banks could hinder growth once the economy starts again.
NEVIB President Robert Klaassen of Eurobolt welcomed the positive input by MKB- Nederland. "The fasteners' business in The Netherlands is experiencing tough times: the economic crisis has led to a reduction in demand for our products, and as a company you need to deal with that. NEVIB will lobby against unnecessary regulations which frustrate our business, and by working together we can position ourselves as suppliers of first class products.”
Klaassen forecasts a bright future for NEVIB: "This is the first time the Dutch importers of fasteners meet as an industry. Judging by the overwhelming attendance here today, NEVIB will soon represent the vast majority of the industry. That will allow us to start lobbying regarding EU policies, provide information services to our members regarding technical topics, labelling, etc., and of course allow for ample networking at upcoming NEVIB meetings.”

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news provided by Fastener + Fixing Magazine ( arranged by Fastener World Inc.
