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U.D.I.B Elects New President and Executive Board

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At its December meeting the Unione Distributori Italiani Bulloneria elected Gian Marco Dalpane of Bulloneria Emiliana as president for the next three years. U.D.I.B, the Italian Fastener Distributors’ Association said, “All the members would sincerely like to thank retiring President Enea D’Incecco for his great job, and for the cohesion he was able to create between all the associated companies.” The executive board has also been renewed and will continue to work to increase the number of members in the Association. Currently, U.D.I.B has 34 Italian distributors and importers as members, and 2012 saw a large increase of represented companies, which the Association hopes will continue in 2013. A new website will be online by the end of February which will include a reserved area for members. The next U.D.I.B Italian meeting will be held in October 2013.