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Continuing the Industrial Adventure

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Carniere & Defossez has turned a corner in its history by leaving its site in Rousies, France, at which the company has manufactured fasteners since 1925, in order to re-establish itself in nearby Maubeuge. The family-owned company has ceaselessly invested and evolved in recent years and operates new generation machinery, including new cold headers with up to six stations, to manufacture technical and complex cold formed parts. That is why it was also necessary, the company says, to evolve into state-of-the art industrial facilities. The integration of design and processing allows Carniere & Defossez to understand and respond to its customers’ issues and now to propose a top-end approach to them. The new location provides the opportunity to welcome and support customers to a new workshop dedicated to stud welding and self-clinching, and to present its complete fastener technology range.