New Straightener Generation, Size 4, for Smooth and Reinforcing Steel

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There have been challenging and versatile requirements on the new straightener program right from the start. An increased output as well as enhanced operating convenience – especially at the R 45 and the RB 45 – were requested. The modular structure is meant to make the production of parts and component assemblies more cost-effective and reduce the required non-productive times. Improved noise control measures and rod ejection on both sides were demanded for the R 45 and RB 45, just as optional packages for the compilation of customized straightening machines. Pre-existing sets of tools can be used for all three new developments.
The WAFIOS Basic Line RE 4 is a complete straightening and cutting-off machine for smooth steel. It is mainly based on reliable and proven technology. With an infeed speed of up to 160 m/min, the RE 4 clearly belongs to the upper league of straightening machines. It is equipped with a simple, language-neutral and graphically supported, new operator guidance which considerably simplifies work conditions, e.g. by giving service instructions.
The RE 4 has been designed for a wire diameter range from 4 up to 10 mm.
The equipment includes a servo-driven, stationary cutting unit where the cut is triggered by a release head. An additional fixed stop can be ordered for processing short lengths. The standard equipment of the machine includes a directly attached construction of two meter length with a collecting trough which can be optionally extended or supplemented by a tilting and alignment station.
The RE 4 performs 120 cuts per minute, if equipped with a fixed stop for short lengths, 220 cuts are possible. With a flat wire guide and fixed stop, shortest cutting lengths are 50 – 300 mm, and with release head 300 mm.
In accordance with their modular concept, the WAFIOS R 45 and RB 45 are based on the same machine body. Moreover, there are the same component assemblies available, like feed unit, straightening unit and different versions of the directly attached construction for smooth and reinforcing steel.
The designers placed great emphasis on an ergonomically designed machine body for greater user friendliness and enhanced operating convenience. Examples are the useful storage trays for e.g. tools in the front area, the adoption of the well-proven collection channel for dirt and lubricants, the improved noise protection by using state-of-the-art materials or the automatic opening function of the protective hood. The control software works with pictures and is self-explanatory. It guides the operator quickly and safely through the machine functions. Furthermore, the operator receives service instructions and an operating manual can be called up. Important machine data, like feed and rotor speed, contact pressure of feed rollers as well as material data are saved. The control panel is ergonomically mounted on a swiveling arm under the hood for an optimum work position adjustment.
The feed unit is controlled via proportional valves, the control panel is used for adjusting and storing the roller pressure exactly and individually. As an option, there is the possibility to use a second pair of rollers for extending the top end of the diameter range. The maximum feed rate is 180 m/min.
The straightening rotor is driven by a threephase gear motor, the rotor speed is freely adjustable and has the advantage that the straightening machines can always be run in the upper performance range.
With regard to the cutting unit, established modules have been used. This means, the R 45 is equipped with the stationary cut while the RB 45 has a rotary cut. At the R 45, the cut is triggered by means of a length measuring device or release head. In case of short lengths, it is triggered by means of a continuous cutting system or fixed stop.
The efficiency of both machines is enhanced by the extended, directly attached construction concept which allows the ejection of rods on both sides. Thereby, the coil can be completely emptied even if one of the collecting troughs is full. Moreover, one side can be used for production while the other side is used for set-up work.
Due to options like wire-end detection, length measuring device or directly attached constructions, the R 45 and RB 45 can be adjusted to specific requirements
The WAFIOS Basic Line RE 4 is a complete straightening and cutting-off machine for smooth steel. It is mainly based on reliable and proven technology. With an infeed speed of up to 160 m/min, the RE 4 clearly belongs to the upper league of straightening machines. It is equipped with a simple, language-neutral and graphically supported, new operator guidance which considerably simplifies work conditions, e.g. by giving service instructions.
The RE 4 has been designed for a wire diameter range from 4 up to 10 mm.
The equipment includes a servo-driven, stationary cutting unit where the cut is triggered by a release head. An additional fixed stop can be ordered for processing short lengths. The standard equipment of the machine includes a directly attached construction of two meter length with a collecting trough which can be optionally extended or supplemented by a tilting and alignment station.
The RE 4 performs 120 cuts per minute, if equipped with a fixed stop for short lengths, 220 cuts are possible. With a flat wire guide and fixed stop, shortest cutting lengths are 50 – 300 mm, and with release head 300 mm.
In accordance with their modular concept, the WAFIOS R 45 and RB 45 are based on the same machine body. Moreover, there are the same component assemblies available, like feed unit, straightening unit and different versions of the directly attached construction for smooth and reinforcing steel.
The designers placed great emphasis on an ergonomically designed machine body for greater user friendliness and enhanced operating convenience. Examples are the useful storage trays for e.g. tools in the front area, the adoption of the well-proven collection channel for dirt and lubricants, the improved noise protection by using state-of-the-art materials or the automatic opening function of the protective hood. The control software works with pictures and is self-explanatory. It guides the operator quickly and safely through the machine functions. Furthermore, the operator receives service instructions and an operating manual can be called up. Important machine data, like feed and rotor speed, contact pressure of feed rollers as well as material data are saved. The control panel is ergonomically mounted on a swiveling arm under the hood for an optimum work position adjustment.
The feed unit is controlled via proportional valves, the control panel is used for adjusting and storing the roller pressure exactly and individually. As an option, there is the possibility to use a second pair of rollers for extending the top end of the diameter range. The maximum feed rate is 180 m/min.
The straightening rotor is driven by a threephase gear motor, the rotor speed is freely adjustable and has the advantage that the straightening machines can always be run in the upper performance range.
With regard to the cutting unit, established modules have been used. This means, the R 45 is equipped with the stationary cut while the RB 45 has a rotary cut. At the R 45, the cut is triggered by means of a length measuring device or release head. In case of short lengths, it is triggered by means of a continuous cutting system or fixed stop.
The efficiency of both machines is enhanced by the extended, directly attached construction concept which allows the ejection of rods on both sides. Thereby, the coil can be completely emptied even if one of the collecting troughs is full. Moreover, one side can be used for production while the other side is used for set-up work.
Due to options like wire-end detection, length measuring device or directly attached constructions, the R 45 and RB 45 can be adjusted to specific requirements
wire Dusseldorf
