Würth Group Sales of Assembly and Fastening Material Reached EUR 5 Billion in the First Half of 2012

The Würth Group-the trade in assembly and fastening material-closed the first half of 2012 with overall sales of EUR 5 billion (6.13 billion USD). The Würth Group generated EUR 9.7 billion in sales in the business year 2011.
“We are well on the way to attaining our sales target of EUR 10 billion (12.26 billion USD) this year as well as setting a new sales record,”commented Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central Managing Board of the Würth Group. Compared to the first half of 2011, the German companies increased their sales volume by 4.5 percent to 2.7 billion USD. The companies outside of Germany grew by 5.9 percent and generated sales of 3.43 billion USD. The American companies of the Würth Group developed well also. The companies in North America grew above average by 22.9 percent to 588.5 million USD in the first six months of 2012.
Moreover, Würth makes targeted investments in business fields complementing the trade in assembly and fastening materials. In June, the Würth Group acquired two chemical companies: Dinol GmbH based in Lügde, Germany, and Diffutherm B.V. based in Bergeijk, Netherlands. The companies have 150 employees on their payroll and generated sales of 73.5 million USD in 2011. The Würth Group also hired on an additional 501 employees (+.08 percent) in the first half of 2012. Currently, the Würth Group has a total of 65,945 employees (as of June 30, 2012); 32,061 of them work in the sales force. In Germany, the Würth Group has a total of 19,424 employees, while the Würth companies abroad report 46,521 employees.