Precision Aerospace Components Acquires FDMC

Precision Aerospace Components, Inc., a growing provider of fasteners and components to the military and aerospace industries under its Freundlich Supply and Tiger-Tight companies, announced it has acquired the assets of Fastener Distribution and Marketing Company, (FDMC). FDMC is the parent company of Aero-Missile Components, (AMC) and Creative Assembly Systems, (CAS). AMC provides fasteners and other components to the military and aerospace industries; CAS provides fasteners, tooling and other products to the transportation, housing infrastructure and white goods markets.
With this acquisition Precision Aerospace Components, Inc. and its subsidiaries Aero-Missile Components, Inc. and Freundlich Supply Company, Inc. and Creative Assembly Systems, Inc., will have operations throughout the United States, will provide a responsive and knowledgeable quality fastener solution to customer needs and provide the support to introduce the revolutionary Tiger-Tight locking washer - the domestically fabricated lock washer that really holds without loosening and does not destroy the surface material to which it is holding. In the upcoming 12 months, the combined companies anticipate producing over $33M in revenues and an operating profit (before any expenses associated with the acquisition and taxes) of over $3M.