EU Launches Stainless Steel Fastener Circumvention Investigation

European Commission initiates an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2/2012 on imports of certain stainless steel fasteners and parts originating in China by imports of the cited stainless steel products consigned from Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
Exporters from the countries under investigation are entitled to apply for exemption from the possible application of anti dumping duties. To do so they will need to apply to Commission within strict time limits and cooperate with its investigators.
The regulation instructs national customs authorities to register imports of the products concerned from the countries under investigation from 14 June 2012, the date it commenced. Under EU anti-dumping law the Commission has the power to apply anti-dumping duties retrospectively to imports received from the date the investigation commenced except where an exporter succeeds in obtaining an exemption by submitting a request duly supported by evidence. This investigation happened as a result of the circumvention investigation on steel fasteners from Malaysia last year. A full copy of the regulation can be downloaded on EU Official Journal