CAAM: Accumulated Production & Sales of Auto Industry Declined in First Two Months

The automobile production and sales of China in February were 1.6087 million units and 1.5671 million units respectively; the month-on-month growth was 23.8% and 12.8% respectively; the y-o-y growth was 28.5% and 24.5% respectively. The accumulated data of January and February showed that the production and sales of China auto industry posted rare negative growth in many years (The auto production and sales were 2.9035 million units and 2.9543 million units respectively and the y-o-y declines were 4.9% and 6.0% respectively).
In regard to the auto exports, according to the CBU exports statistics of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), the auto exports in February were 61.2 thousand units with the month-on-month growth of 8.7% and y-o-y growth of 41.1%. The accumulated exports in January and February were 117.5 thousands units with the y-o-y growth of 23.5%. Auto exports thus showed a state of steady growth.
