ASTM International Fasteners Committee Elects Salim Brahimi as Chairman

Salim Brahimi, president and principal engineer at IBECA Technologies Corp. in Montreal, Canada, has been elected chairman of ASTM International Committee F16 on Fasteners. The committee, with a membership of more than 200, develops standards for bolts, screws, nails and other fasteners for industrial and government use.
A member of ASTM International since 1997, Brahimi works on several F16 subcommittees and is vice chairman of F16.02 on Steel Bolts, Nuts, Rivets and Washers. He received the Fred F. Weingruber Award from Committee F16 in 2004. Brahimi is also a member of Committees A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys, B08 on Metallic and Inorganic Coatings, E28 on Mechanical Testing and F07 on Aerospace and Aircraft, where he is recording secretary.
Brahimi is currently completing his Ph.D. at McGill University in Montreal, where he also earned a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering and a master’s in materials engineering. An expert in the field of fasteners, he founded IBECA Technologies Corp. in 2002. He specializes in developing solutions to problems relating to product and process design, product and process reliability, and product applications and often leads investigations in cases of critical component failure. Prior to IBECA, he was director of applications, engineering and quality at KAMAX L.P. in Troy, Mich.
In addition to ASTM International, Brahimi is a member of SAE International, the Quebec Order of Professional Engineers and the Research Council on Structural Connections. He also serves as chairman of the Canadian Advisory Committee that represents Canada on the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee 2 on Fasteners.