Würth Group Reporting Double-Digit Growth Figures Again

In 2011, the Würth Group set a new sales record, attaining sales of EUR 9.7 billion. According to the preliminary annual financial statement, the company grew by 12.3 percent. The operating result is expected to reach last year's level.
The Würth Group managed to significantly increase sales particularly in Germany, where it grew by 14.0 percent, reporting EUR 4.4 billion in sales. Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG made a major contribution to this result. The Group's parent company stepped up sales by 13.2 percent to EUR 1.2 billion. In order to promote this dynamic development also in the future, further investments are made in the company's Künzelsau location. On 6 December 2011, the foundation stone of the most efficient and most modern distribution center of the Würth Group was laid. The investment volume of this project amounts to EUR 60 million. The annex of the administrative building in Künzelsau will already be completed in spring 2012.
The operative operating result 2011 is expected to exceed last year's level by approximately EUR 80 million; however, it has been negatively affected by losses in solar production, especially with regard to the withdrawal from this line of business. Therefore, it is estimated that the operating result 2011 will reach the same level as last year's result. (2010: EUR 385 million).
The number of employees increased by 3,680 to 66,113. The fact that almost half of the entire Würth workforce operates as sales representatives in the field reflects the company's strong focus on the sales sector. In Germany, an additional 1,446 employees were hired.
"In 2012, we are also planning double-digit sales growth for the Group", says Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central Managing Board of the Würth Group. "Only the global economic situation may darken these hopes." The great insecurity regarding the further course of the Euro crisis as well as its consequences for the European Monetary Union put a strain on the economic development. 2012 will nevertheless be a very special year for the Würth Group: The Group intends to generate sales of EUR 10 billion for the very first time.