Final Results of Anti-dumping Administrative Review on Certain Steel Threaded Rod from Jiaxing City, China

United States Department of Commerce has announced the final results of antidumping duty administrative review on the certain steel threaded rod from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Jiaxing City Zhejiang Morgan Brothers Technology Co., Ltd. has been calculated a de minimis weighted-average dumping margin of 0.37%, which removes the barriers to entry into the US market. It is reported that from January to September in 2011, Jiaxing City has undergone 23 trade remedy investigations from the US, the EU, Brazil, India, Turkey, Argentina, Thailand and so on, with a decrease of 20 cases and a drop of 47% over the same period last year.
The final results of the review shows the PRC-wide entity rate is 206%. The weighted–average margins for other involved companies from Jiaxing City are 55.16%, including Jiaxing Xinyue Standard Part Co., Ltd., Jiashan Zhongsheng Metal Products Co., Ltd., Haiyan Dayu Fasteners Co., Ltd., and Haiyan Julong Standard Part Co., Ltd.
